An open letter to @realDonaldTrump

Leading up to the 2016 election you repeatedly claimed that only you can fix the problems in this nation. It is now 2020 and we are at the end of your term, in the middle of a pandemic, 14,000+ people have died, many more are sick...
... millions of Americans are out of work, businesses have shuttered, and our economy is nearing complete collapse.

The republicans that support you assured us in 2017 that you would "pivot to presidential" after your immature, repugnant campaign and we the people waited...
... you have FAILED at every opportunity to lead this nation choosing instead to focus on your own personal gain, feeding your insanely insecure and fragile ego all at the expense of this nation and her people.

The United States has endured attacks...
... one attack after another and they have all originated not from some foreign power but from your seat in the oval office, and from those within your administration with the same insidious desire for money and greed at the expense of everything else...
... you have at every turn, made the choice to demean and degrade our elected leaders, our constitutional rights, God-given human rights, the people of this nation, and the American Dream.

As I write this to you...
... there are children locked in cages, separated from parents your administration felt no need to protect because of your racist & hateful agenda to "make America great". You choose to ignore that immigrants, who chose to come to our shores, have helped to make America great...
... there are guns on our streets in the hands of irresponsible & hateful people fueled by your words killing our children, our mothers, fathers, our families. Not because you are protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights but because of the money the NRA pours into your campaign...
... our land, our air, our waters, an the tribal lands of our Native American brothers & sisters are being polluted and destroyed because of your own lust for money and a desire to accommodate the greed of those you have purchased their way into your orbit...
... The VAWA has been ignored by you and you republican lap dogs. There are women in violently abusive relationships endangered further with your administration ignorantly changing definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault...
... there are men, women, and children throughout the country that are no longer covered by health insurance, and unable to get adequate medical care because of your desire to erase the legacy that Obama left this nation and your inability to form a working plan to replace it...
... you have made every attempt to roll back protections for the LGBTQ communities viewing them through the lens of hateful, distorted and UN- Christian views of your idol-worshipping, deceived followers...
... your time in office has been spent NOT leading this nation, not in adding to and making America better (as she has ALWAYS been GREAT), but in the complete and utter breakdown in all that her people hold dear...
... your time in office has been highlighted by chaos, ugliness, childish irreverence, disgusting hateful, criminal policy, dangerous inaction, constant campaigning, and habitual LYING to the American people.

You have used your time in the oval office...
... seeking new and insidious ways to fill the coffers of the Trump syndicate, feed your ego with crowds of people who falsely put their faith in your empty promises, or enjoy your twisted rhetoric, and of course, golfing at the expense of American taxpayers...
... Our media, that you disparage, continues to afford you the opportunity to air your daily briefings in hope that we will walk away more informed about the COVID19 pandemic that threatens us all with scientific fact, clear direction, and competent leadership...
Instead, we watch in frustration, horror, and complete outrage as you continue on the path you chose from the beginning. You use valuable time to feed your own ego, attack others, continue to lie, mislead and pass the buck. You are not briefing the nation you are campaigning...
... So, please be advised that I, no, that WE the American majority see you for the truly despicable and ineffective failure that you are as a "president" and as a human being.
We have had enough and we WILL finish the impeachment process started in congress by removing you...
...November is coming and while there are those that will vote for you, and Russian bots that will instill in this process lies and misinformation on your behalf, The American majority will unite to vote for Joe Biden, we will see you removed from office and ...
... complete the work that the republican senate was to corrupt and cowardly to do. You can rest assured that America will survive the blows you have levied against her and your claim to success will be the destruction of the republican party and not the land that we love...
... Joe Biden will as the Democrat nominee unite the people of American, lead with honor, speak with truth and provide us with facts. Joe Biden will work to repair the damage you have done and America will grow and thrive as she always has...
You, Mr. Trump, will move to your beloved Flordia where you have found much praise. I am sure you look forward to time at Mar-A-Lago and golfing as you have throughout your time in office...
We, the majority, look forward to the commencement of the many lawsuits against you, your family & those that have supported you in your criminal pursuits and will celebrate that you are, in the end, ACCOUNTABLE for your actions.

Sincerely - Daisy a proud and determined Democrat
You can follow @CobaltDaisy.
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