Nothing like a well-meaning person doing political crinkum crankum with the idea of “risk.”
I worked on a study about trans women of color + HIV and there was constant rhetoric around behavior as though behavior interventions alone are sufficient to address health. But you can’t easily change behavior outside of a health-affirming & enhancing environment.
Trans women are not at risk simply because they are trans, identity alone is not a risk factor: they are at higher risk because of how structures marginalize and discriminate against identity and bar access to very basic social, economic, and health-related resources.
Black people staying inside isn’t going to reverse centuries of discriminatory housing practice + workplace discrimination, environmental racism, carceral policy, education policy, misogynoir, and and and and and.
It’s irresponsible to act as though social distancing alone is sufficiently protective, as though racial capitalism hasn’t created an economic-racial caste system that prevents many black people from being able take off work + properly shelter in place.
If you talk about risk without also talking about structural drivers of said risk or vulnerability, you’re essentially blaming people for not taking “proper responsibility” for disparate health outcomes...which is racist.
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