【The importance of crediting Letterers: a thread】

The quote below is bad as hot takes go.

A translator alone doesn't create localized manga. We just change the text from JP to ENG. It's the letterers who work their magic and bring those words to life.

1/19 https://twitter.com/manga_critic/status/1248062937094336515
Of course a translator is important. Without the translator, the manga will remain "Japanese".

Just like how you can't build a house without an architect to mock up a blueprint.

But even with a blueprint, you still need builders to turn that paper into an actual house.

The manga localization process works in a similar way. The translator (architect) provides a script in which the Letterer (builder) creates the final product (house/manga).

You can't remove anybody from the equation and hope it still results in the work being done.

As someone who runs a manga publisher, it is SO MUCH HARDER to find talented letterers than it is to find a translator.

I KNOW that if I tweet that I'm looking for new TLs, I'll get 10 applications by the end of the day.

But editors? Might have to wait a month to find 1.

And crediting has a lot to do with that.

A lot of letterers come from scanlation. This already puts them at a disadvantage when applying for jobs.

Add the fact that you have a lot of shitty places that NDA their involvement, a lot of these letterers have a "blank resume".

No joke. I've had letterers send in resumes where the only thing they were credited for was one work from 4 years ago.

That's how much the industry "undervalues" them.

And this actually makes sense.

Why credit them, give them "experience", so they can get poached?

Publishers and businesses honestly have an incentive to NOT credit letterers so they can keep all of them on their projects.

Worse, keep the ex-scanlation folks to $0.80 per page by telling them that "publishers will never hire you because of your background".

So crediting Letterers and valuing their work is incredibly important.

Imitating something is SO MUCH HARDER than doing something freely.

If someone said "sing Lemonade", sure I can give it a go. But "sing Lemonade like Beyonce" and that's a whole another thing.

Letterers have to "recreate" the texts and SFXs without "breaking the atmosphere" the mangaka created.

To be able to have floating English words "look natural" in an often very Japanese setting, is a herculean task.

I'm amazed everytime my letterers make magic happen.

There are so many times my letterers have redrawn things and my dumbass is left thinking "Wait? You can do that?"

The amount of skills needed to redraw, typeset, letter etc, it's crazy.

Honestly... translators just need to translate, and I say that as a translator.

Even with Irodori Comics, we send every localized work to the artist for a final checkup before we release it. Almost every time, the JP mangakas are amazed at the lettering work and many of them specifically comment on that. For the Eng TL we just get a "good job" 😂

If the manga authors themselves can see the talent and skill of the Letterers, I don't understand how publishers and reviewers can't do the same?

Unless there are publishers that specifically ask reviewers to not credit letterers? Gotta keep your letters close I guess?

When @AllComic_ reviewed our Irodori Aqua works, they specifically mentioned our letterer @MMMcGarry for her lettering work.

She was so happy that she shared the URL to us for days 😂

It's little things like this that can make a whole world of difference.

When @_sinfulcrow worked on Raincoat Kids, the author was amazed at how he made the English SFXs come to life with all the creative ways he lettered them.

If artists and fans can compliment the lettering, doesn't seem like a big ask for reviewers to acknowledge them?

Crediting and acknowledging letterers for the work they do will improve the conditions of the industry in the long run.

Sure, a much bigger publisher might poach one of our letterers, but I'll be proud that Irodori Comics had a part in helping them get there.

All our letterers, translators, file preppers, QCers are credited on our credits page, along with the mangaka, for every single work.

And if they ever need a recommendation letter for another publisher, while it may hurt, I'm always happy to write one for them.

If you still think that letterers aren't as important as translators, think of it this way:

With the Covid 19 going on at the moment, imagine ONLY saying your thanks to the doctors, and NOT the nurses.

That's what you're doing when you exclude letterers.

On that note, Irodori Comics' BL/Yuri label, Irodori Sakura, is launching in the near future and we said we were looking for reviewers for our launch titles.

If you are a reviewer that doesn't credit letterers, then please let us know. We'll find someone else that does.

This isn't an attack on reviewers and your style of reviewing.

Just that, if I am to walk the talk, and make sure letterers are valued as much as translators, we're going to have to work with reviewers who share the vision in giving proper representation to the letterers.

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