🚨How to stream CALM: A thread🚨
The chart is based on album sales.
The rules currently stand that if you stream from:

a PAID SERVICE, 1,250 streams = 1 album
an ad-based (free) service, 3,750 streams = 1 album

That means that it will take ALL of us no matter where in the world you live, working together.
How to set up a US Spotify tutorial
This is NOT going to be easy, and it will take everyone in the fandom, worldwide, streaming with a US VPN.

PLUS it will take US fans buying the album outright.

You saw how many streams = 1 album.

We need AT LEAST 70k to have a shot at this.
We've done it before. Hell, we did it last week (F U Billboard).

We can do it gain.
And remember as we gear up for another hard week of nonstop streaming -- every time you listen to their songs -- every time you sing along and think about how this band saved you -- Billboard screwed them royally.

It's time to save them back.

You can follow @Tha5SOSFamily.
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