THURSDAY. Maybe take today to learn something new? Like, hey, take up gardening! Or learn Sudoku! Study woodworking! Wield a flea market katana! Practice exploding people's hearts with your newfound psionic powers! Congratulations, YOU JUST JOINED NINJA PSYFORCE OMEGA, ESPERNAUT
(By the way, more seriously, you don't actually have to learn any new shit in this god-fucked timeline. Anybody telling you about how productive you can and must become is a monger of toxic positivity and they can get stuffed.)
People keep asking me how productive I'm being, like, am I writing a lot and getting things done and it's like hahaaahahahaha what, no, jesus, a thousand times no. I consider the fact I'm "staying hydrated" as gods damn Herculean triumph.
I have [secret book] now needing edits, just rolled in this week, so I'm actually going to have to like, clench up and get some stuff done -- but it's hard. It's hard in every direction. And I say that being a relatively privileged, fortunate person -- and it's still hard.
You do what you can do, and this is not (for me, anyway), the time to push. There's a time to do that work and tear muscle to build new muscle, but I think now, you're just gonna break yourself if you push to hard. So, don't break yourself. The world's already breaking.
You can follow @ChuckWendig.
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