This is a question I don't have an answer to
I loved them wholesomely, even when people came with thousands of reasons I shouldn't. "He's this. She's that"
Even when they did things I got angry at, I still loved them
My love for them comes without conditions
Looking at it, I think my love for them comes from having a deep understanding of God's love. He loves us regardless
So the more people of the world kept coming with one million and one reasons why I shouldn't love them, the more I did.

I love the fact that David was brave enough to know what he wants and he went for it damning the consequences
I love the fact that Presh was patient enough to give it a try even when she saw the situations were unfavorable (The talk she had with him)
I love that David and Presh love God. Ultimately
I love that they are goofy but can be serious when the need arises
I love that they are smart and talented. Talented af!
I love the way they were so in love with each other and it made me really happy

I love a lot of little things about them
The fact Presh is a good cook
The fact that David is so neat. I legit smiled when I see the hours he used in washing the dishes and cleaning
I love their petty and serious fights, it made me smile and gave me chest ache
Coming out of the house, I love the fact they are on their lane, focusing on their focus
I love that they are appreciative of the love we have for them.
I love that they are grateful for whatever we do for them. Even as little as the hashtag trends

Trust me, they are not without flaws, nobody is though...
But I love them, regardless!
Oh, I love my 24th Love guest too ❤

When stars align, the best things happen
Thank you PreshDavid for letting the stars align, the best things will keep happening 😊

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