One thing I’ve learned is that perfection is a self limiting concept. If you’re striving to be something you’re not, you’ll never be able to fully experience all that you are and what that can offer you. I realized I wasn’t striving for perfection, I was lacking self acceptance.
I was lacking acceptance of what is and what has been and that was causing me to dread what could be on the horizon.
If you can’t find acceptance for the past and present, you’ll always be running away from yourself and self sabotaging your future because the world isn’t good enough for you.
Once you become good enough, your present reality will become a good enough “base” for u to plan your future on moving forward. You can be grounded and “here” bc you’ve accepted all that’s brought you to this point which will allow you to really “ground” your future into reality
Our experiences make up a large part of our identity bc they shape us for better or worse.
Every time you come to terms with something that’s happened in your life, you begin to come to terms with how that’s changed you. Every time you do that, self awareness grows and deeper self acceptance becomes an option. Don’t run away from accepting yourself in these moments.
Even though life isn’t “perfect” the past isn’t “perfect” and you aren’t “perfect”... you’re REAL. you’re an actual testament of what life does to the human condition good AND bad. And that’s ok. That’s necessary for growth and revelation.
Your story is shown through every strength and struggle you have and it’s giving you something no one else can have exactly like you. Your experience is “perfect” for you on a soul level because it’s what’s needed for you to get to YOUR next stage of greatness.
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