The cult of Dionysus is not about prosaic drunkenness, but transcendence. 🍷
"Rather than being a god of drunkenness, as he was often stereotyped in the post-Classical era, the religion of Dionysus centered on the correct consumption of wine, which could ease suffering and bring joy, as well as inspire divine madness distinct from drunkenness."
1. "Juice of life" tale

In this tale, Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu were offered to drink the "Juice of life" (which seemed more to be wine🍷).

Buddha and Confucius refused to drink it based on their ideologies and early assumptions, refusing to experience that "Juice of life".
The tale has many philosophical and religious teachings, one of those teaching is to not judge something without experiencing it first.

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

Because Buddha and Confucius have strict ideologies is that they're not able to experience the "Juice of life" to it fullest. They're not able to let go and adapt themselves to new situations so they avoid them.
We could say that they're afraid of showing their Shadow somehow.
But Lao Tzu was different. The father of the Taoism philosophy said that one has to live with the flow, letting go of things and not trying to control everything.

Tao ☯ = The WAY
"Wherever my way"
2. Dionysian affirmation of life

Nietsche was heavily influenced by the figure of the Greek God of wine Dionysus, to the point that he called Dionysian to "the will to live".

Nietzsche used Dionysus as an example of the pain and suffering that one experience in his/her life.
Nietzsche said that the pain in life is necessary, just like the pain that women suffers when they give birth to their child, its a pain that you've to experience for the Joy of life.

"You cannot erase the pain in your life because that would mean to erase life itself."
3. Transcendence

Transcendence means to overpass those limits that separates two different realms.

Dionysus represents the transcendence in life, and with that I mean that Dionysus is the bridge between Persona and Shadow, between the conscious and unconscious realm.
But it also means to face ourselves accepting the reality.
For Nietzsche the "Dionysian affirmation of life" it's only possible if we not just accept our Shadow but also embracing it as part of our true self.
Doesn't this remind you to "Amor fati"?!
We could say that Nietzsche and Lao Tzu had similar thoughts 🤔

Amor fati ~ Tao

Both pushes you to accept the past and live the present regardless what or where the water's flow will take you in the future.
4. Demian 📖

⚠ Spoilers ⚠

The main character had that phase of being "Dionysus" all the time visiting many taverns. To him, at that moment he was being his true self.
After meeting someone, he reached a transcendental point, changing his point of view of life.
"The life he gets to know better than no one which nothing is in fact what we think but is that our destination"

*not sure if this ia what he says but...its about life and destination*

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