Bernie campaign raised more money in the month of February alone, $48 million, than Biden raised in the previous five months combined. But if you want to content yourself with superficial "establishment rigged it" arguments, go ahead. Curious to find out where all that money went
While the post-SC "establishment" consolidation was clearly significant, you do realize Mike Bloomberg stayed in the race through Super Tuesday, right? The guy who spent nearly $1 billion nationwide specifically to eat into Biden's "moderate" support? Why is that always left out?
In fact you could make a fairly strong argument that Bloomberg's presence in the race harmed Biden more than Warren's presence in the race harmed Bernie. Warren/Bernie coalitions did not overlap anywhere near to the same extent as the Bloomberg/Biden coalitions
Warren harmed Bernie, but "blaming" her is ridiculous. Warren ran in a 25+ candidate primary because she had her own political interests, which are divergent from Bernie's. If Warren wielded such awesome power, maybe the Bernie campaign should've treated her like an enemy?
Warren launched an orchestrated sneak attack to destroy Bernie's campaign in January/February, and guess what -- it worked. Bernie's favorability with older women voters sunk, as even his own campaign now admits. What did they do in response to this attack? Essentially nothing
Tulsi was the only one who defended Bernie during that fiasco. Just like she did after Bernie allowed himself to be Russiagated. But then Tulsi backs the nominee after the primary's over, using the exact same rationale as Bernie, and she's furiously denounced by Bernie diehards
The basic point is: "Establishment rigged it! They never would've let him win!" is almost childish in its over-simplification of everything that went on. Why the hell would Bernie have even bothered running in the first place if "they" never would've "let him" win? Ridiculous
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