I would rather reason be the slave of the passions, not passion be the slave of reason.

The perils of uber-'rationalisation' & formalisation of human intimacy: So alienating, so desperate, so dead, so frigid, so inhuman. https://twitter.com/TheEconomist/status/1248197976964706306
Marx & Engels mentioned how the bourgeoisie had drowned religious fervour & chivalry into "the icy waters of egotistical calculation", stripped the halo every occupation honoured and looked up to with reverent awe & reduced the family to a mere money relation.
You can say they've done the same with Eros. Turned dating into a 'market', reduced sex, lust and passion itself into an algorithm sucking the humanism out of it. No act of human intimacy is left out of the logic of exchange and use value.
Conservative & romantic critics of capitalism & liberalism have always feared this logic. What they call uber-rationalism & the rule of money & the exchange form will create a disenchanted world without beauty, wisdom, aesthetics, love, imagination. Just $$$ & transactionalism.
Even lust and passion is falling victim to this logic, which in the end will be disastrous. Because you need passion as well as reason & rationality. You can't have Prometheus (or Apollo) without Dionysus.
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