I’m curious.. and my mind is going rn so maybe it’s a stretch.. but has anyone else noticed this push for “virtual” entertainment? Not to mention almost every black mirror episode..

I mean seriously. What if the agenda was eventually no more in person entertainment period (cont)
I hate that I feel like we’re going that way.. and it might not be immediately. My guess is first comes the mark/microchip & only those with it get to do fun shit. More conditioning. Then eventually we’re given some pandering fucking consolation prize of “virtual fun shit”
But how many people would be willing to take that? A completely fake and enslaved world by their own choice... this false sense of emotion and reality. Kinda what social media is (IG models, lifestyle, etc.) tbh...

A fucking real life matrix/simulation 🤢
I mean we have fucking sex robots that mimic human mannerisms and shit... and we joke about that but fr that’s terrifying. Yet they have us so sex focused that people are cool with it lmao

The boundaries are being blurred more and more. You can’t tell me I’m making this up
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