Deeply fucked off at members of the Labour Party (or, indeed, anyone) sharing disapprovingly the Times article implying MPs are being personally given £10k due to coronavirus.
It is a one-off increase in *office budget* to allow *staff* to work from home effectively (IT equipment, printers, telephones) and to continue to support constituents at a time when casework load has almost tripled, if not more for some MPs.
Unless you think staff should go back into constituency offices or the Parliamentary estate, risking our own health and risking spreading the virus further? Or maybe parliamentary offices should stop doing casework altogether?
Maybe democracy, representation and advice are just 'nice to haves' to some people? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
(We've already started getting angry emails about this - this sort of shit is why MPs have to have bomb proof letter boxes.)
Several MPs - including Tony Lloyd - are currently in intensive care, maybe infected on the estate carrying out their Parliamentary duties. Think about that.
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