I remain sceptical about the recent "upsurge" in physical activity until we have some data. Only data I have seen is FitBit reporting a downward trend in step counts. Some thoughts (Thread):
1) The perception of an upturn in PA could be a consequence of availability bias (oh look, people are outside, oh and another person, and another). We wouldn't normally take much notice of people outside.
2) Gyms are closed and all the people that used them will likely continue to do some activity
3) If there are previously inactive people engaging in activity, what can we do to help? Promote strategies to enhance self-efficacy? Action planning? Relapse prevention?
4) There is a lot of talk about exercise being good for mental health. Yes it is good for mental and physical health but this was the case before the pandemic. Promoting exercise to reduce anxiety seems a short term strategy - what happens when that existential threat recedes?
Will those people who engaged to reduce anxiety continue? Perhaps we could promote exercise as an enjoyable activity, not just a way to reduce the negative.
5) If people form a habit of PA now, will they be able to maintain it once we return to "normal"? Perhaps this is a rare opportunity to re-shape "normal" to help people maintain any new and positive habits that might form.
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