alright, it's the middle of the night here and while i may not want to be a chick, i will always be a debbie downer so here goes! #WhyIDidntReport thread: because i was 8 and she was my grandma. who would have believed me?
this was my mom's adoptive mom, my dad's mom was insane as well but a different sort of insane, the kind where you don't fuck kids afaik
i was molested and more from about 8 to 11 so if anyone who ever went to school with me back then sees this, now you know part of why i was a crazy kid with no social skills
if i see women that look like my grandma i have to stop what i'm doing and leave immediately. it's not as bad as it used to be. she died on my mom's birthday so she could fuck with everyone one last time
it was kind of great honestly. i remember where i was when my mom called, and when she answered the phone she had a lightness to her voice i hadn't heard before
i told mom "wow, she had to make everything be about herself once last time" and we both laughed. my grandma's sisters won't speak her name out loud. i don't know how many people she hurt
i have a letter from county social services saying they contacted over 20 relatives and every single one cited unceasing abuse and torment as their reason for why they refused to care for her when she was going senile and dying
i like to joke my real problem is that i have truman show delusion but media (tv, movies, music) often brings me what i need without me even knowing where i'm going to find help, and this time it came from south park
the first time i saw that i cried HARD. big, ugly, snotty tears. i haven't been able to go to therapy about my grandma because every time i go i start crying hysterically and have to leave because i upset the doctor/therapist or staff
i don't know where to go to talk to people who were abused by women. the only thing i remember seeing that really spoke to me was an issue of #themaxx where mr gone talks about what happened when he was abused as a child
i self id as 🏳️‍⚧️ now but idk what i'm doing next. i hated growing up female and having huge tits develop overnight. i got my period when i was 11 after my grandma stopped abusing me and started banging dudes at 14 because it was easy and girls were not
it is hard as hell for me to make female friends. i get really judgy about moms and especially shitty moms. i'm terrified of being pregnant and have made myself super sick accidently before because i thought i was preggo and i wanted to get the parasite out
i'd like to have a romantic relationship with a woman someday. i think i have already, but at the time she hadn't started transitioning because we were in high school. we didn't date long and only recently reconnected
my abuser died sick, penniless, alone and had no funeral. i don't think anyone can fix what she did to me. she groomed me so well that i went on to groom pedophiles online into cybering with me and then pretended i was FBI to fuck with them
i was told my dad was abused as a kid too. idk about mom. life is hard all around. teach children about bodily autonomy and enthusiastic consent. don't force your kid to hug or kiss anyone. let your kids be kids, i grew up too fast (end of thread)
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