Good Morning <3
I'm going to move on from the twitter dump and cover the "basics" of why Toony has a callout, considering it moved platforms to avoid allegations.
Apologies if out of order but here's testimony of an ex accusing it of rape. Keep in mind Toony raised allegations of rape only after this came out. Also noted others have accused it of sexual harassment and rape, but this is the best example.
Lastly DM's from Toony to others in which it states previous sexual experience with its dog. Also noted it formerly had a k/nk page listing b//stiality and various ageplay k/nks. Like stated, list was as a 16 year old, DM's as an adult(?)
I cannot find a date on the DM's but they were well after the k/nk list.
Lastly to finish this thread, there's too many examples of stalking, harassment, bigotry (transphobia mainly) to post all the pictures of. If you have the curiosity please explore Herocallout.
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