this is the most fucking black and white view of politics possible. "voting the way you feel is right is bad, actually" is the most anti-democracy sentiment ive seen in a while, and any leftist that has it needs to really consider if they truly believe it.
if you couldnt tell from the shift from obama to hilliary to biden, the dnc is actively moving from center-right to just republican party 2.0. falling in line election after election is exactly what they want, and you'll always get the same results.
theyll have no incentive to change, and so they wont. and anyone just wanting to stop the long-lasting effects of a trump second term are going to get the exact same shit with a biden first term. you're just voting for which party you want to fuck you.
people will try and tell you that's a doomer attitude, but giving up literally everything you stand for to vote for blue trump because "at least he's not red trump!" is the most defeatist, doomer shit ive ever seen. "oh, my candidate didnt get the nom, so ill just give up"
this thread is probably pretty ranty, but my point is: we need to show the dnc, as a collective, that bernie *was* the compromise candidate, he was the bare minimum, and they wont get shit from us otherwise.
the same people wholl tell you how important your vote is are now telling you not to use it the way you want. dont listen. if you feel pressured to vote for a candidate you dont support, its not a proper democracy, and you cant make it one by falling in line.
it was time for bernie, now it's time to fucking bust. the fight for the presidency might be set back 4 years, but that's not the only fight. @ShahidForChange @Joshua4Congress @MeetMckayla and more are still fighting elsewhere. dont let that be in vain, dont vote biden.
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