a thread of me being confused and having internalised homophobia!
my sisters reaction when i came out as i thought i was bi:
she said that u cant be bi because you’re not interested in kissing girls tbh
which i feel also extends me not wanting to have a relationship w them rn tbh
and she also said that our parents will kill me if im a lesbian and that they’re still okay w me being asexual tbh
despite her watching b99 shes like this.. and my parents come from india where the same sex marriage laws passed alrdy yet they cant accept the lgbtq plus comm
someone say sike.
oh i see i sent pics of pics from the little mix girls and kat to my ex bestie and called them hot and back in secondary sch right i had a crush on an ace girl bc i thought she was pretty and girls came from well a sch in china and if im not wrong i found one of their hair nice
also my moms against same sex marriage and is homophobic enough to ask me to get advice from her and my sis instead of online ppl and went through my screenshots of my whatsapp chat w one of my moots here before, my dad thinks that all lgbtq plus ppl is to have sex since
that moot of mine told me about lgbtq plus and having lesbian sex eye-
Rn im crushing on my irl senior whose sexuality i wont out here tbh
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