Well hello everyone! Snake is here sss ss šŸ¤ŖšŸšŸ

you think everything that happened yesterday is done? Nope, theres more!

Dont think you need muet band 3 for this shit haha. Jemput minum petang semuaaaaašŸ˜˜ cover nama tu either real name or orang tu dah mintak maaf ye
ā€œPandai makan pandai simpanā€ and also ā€œdont snitchā€ is only applied when its harmless things. Benda yang tak membawa keburukan. Exposing personal info, hampir nak post video/gambar nsfw orang, putar belit cerita and tambah tokok, bodyshame,

Harmless ke semua tu?
Sanggup ke simpan semua tu atas dasar ā€œfriendshipā€? You want to be an enabler go ahead but I dont want to be one, especially when I know cerita tu ada twist, and what you guys are doing is wrong (insult physically, reveal personal info).
But I must say, Iā€™m wrong for not confronting those in the group first when they went overboard. Apologized for that thru Peachy already but they still choose to publicly name me since I didnt apologize to the ā€œgirlsā€. Oh btw heres an ss of it. Maybe I tak minta maaf properly?
A disclaimer: Iā€™m not doing this for DICK. Or to be a hero. Even without backing up a guy, (or according to them, a horrible asshole), I can still get one yknow. Beriya bagitahu sebab I know those things that are being said is wrong.
I know Iā€™m wrong for not confronting them 1st.
You guys spill out my name, mention mention I, takpe, I know some people are having fun with knowing I did it. Iā€™m not a saint honestly, thatā€™s why Iā€™m here šŸ˜‚

Tapi kenapa ada some nak private account dah? :/ You think I tak nampak what you guys tweeted ke semalam?
ā€œKitorang just borak pasal laki ds je!ā€

Penat lah saya dengan putar belit engkorang. Maybe hampir semua orang buat benda sama, saya pun pernah borak pasal perempuan lain, but dont lah deny ye.
Perlu ke cakap about dick size dalam ni? Will you say the same if the said guy ada big dick? Werent you the ones who were anti lelaki yg prefer yg hot je, but now why korang buat benda sama? Sampai minta ā€œbuktiā€ tu :/

How would u feel kalau orang lain letak ur nudes in a gc?
Hm benda ni rasanya orang dah tahu kot. Tapi yang lawaknya dah minta maaf tapi still rasa benda dia buat tu tak salah. Awak awak sekalian kalau orang tahu muka and ig, ada certain orang senang je boleh cari more personal info. Takkan tu pun tak boleh nak fikir? Kan dah say sorry?
Bestnya twist twist cerita tanpa receipt.
After apologizing I thought I wanted to let this go since I know I pun buat salah, but since yall wanna start it again and mention me, meh I tunjuk my real ability as a bitch, and a snitch. Again, never said I tak buat salah, I pun banyak je berdrama and membawang šŸ˜Œ
Yang part lelaki lain, I let it slide jelah ye.

Again I am sorry for bringing this to the timeline especially for those yg taknak ambik tahu pun hal ni, tapi NOW I am NOT sorry for exposing those things you said, including the twisted stories, insults, revealings. Im NOT sorry.
Yg expose me sebab I taknak minta maaf kat ā€œyour girlsā€ tu, despite already clarifying with Peachy, korang taknak mintak maaf kat i calling me names ke? Tiya tak message i pun sebab doakan i mandul? Taknak ke apologize kat i for insulting me? šŸ¤”
Nak suruh i feel guilty but korang rasa guilty tak buat semua tu? Rasa bersalah tak tambah cerita bagi jadi penambah rasa? Rasa bersalah tak dengar je without receipts? Rasa bersalah tak depan lain belakang lain?

Tak rasa bersalah takpe, Iā€™ll just leave this thread here.
Again, fr those yang takde kena mengena and not interested I minta maaf posting this here. Im not a good person and Ive done some things before too.

Till then, take care. Hope yall are happy with knowing me as the snitch, hipokrit, snake, asshole, setan, bitch, mandul girl šŸ˜˜
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