I will be honest: this news has really upset me.


Paul Lambert - 'Gobby' - was unbelievably kind to me when I entered the BBC Westminster newsroom in the midst of the 2010 election campaign.

I was intimidated and nervous and he took me under his wing.
It was - understandably - an incredibly busy newsroom. If I am critical I would say it wasn't the friendliest.

If I am critical of me I would say I was nowhere near as assertive as you need to be on those placements.

He spotted both and changed the whole experience for me.
I got to run the cards back to Millbank from a @bbcnickrobinson interview with the PM Gordon Brown. I got to set up a live camera point at a @David_Cameron presser with Sir Michael Caine. I back watched for a cameraman as he ran down a road chasing @harrietharman.
He introduced me to people. He made sure I was busy. He arranged for me to sit in on a @BBCJLandale VT edit I would never have had the guts to ask to be part of.
I think of him whenever I am field producing. He was THE master.
I shadowed him one morning as he managed to coax both the Chancellor and the Shadow Chancellor to the BBC's College Green camera position for a live showdown on the 1. Neither was aware the other would be there. The opposition were circling aware something was up. Great telly.
I have seen a couple of things written that are so true: he knew shouting at politicians was the perfect way to create an audiovisual 'moment' to start a VT that is going to be picture challenged. He always knew where to be. If you were somewhere else you were in the wrong place.
Most importantly for me though: he taught me I had to be more assertive; he taught me the journos and politicians I revered/feared were just humans you could talk to like anyone else and he taught me to always look after new people in the newsroom. Legend.
However I really struggle with nicknames. I just couldn't bring myself to call him 'Gobby'. Several times experienced Millbank people in the newsroom asked what I was up to. If I said I was going out filming with Paul they often asked 'who?' 😂
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