today was a great day for all seokjinnies overall but i ended up getting very very cheesy (more than usual) after watching vids of my baby all day so i kinda need to vent
it's been years and i still find it so crazy how he can lift my mood just by being there :( i do joke around sometimes but when i say he's the one thing that's keeping me sane during this rough time, i'm >not< joking. i mean it.
he's always so caring towards us :( it's not something that ppl talk about a lot because he tends to do it silently, but making a whole live just to show us him eating when he was busy bc he knew we missed him!! :( posting cute selfies when he knows we're worried about him!! :(
i can see the love he puts into these acts very clearly and it always makes me want to give it back :(( maybe that's why i constantly feel the need to scream about how amazing this man is (or maybe it's simply because i'm whipped who knows)
there's something so comforting about him... about listening to him talking, singing, eating, maybe just breathing. it's warm and cozy and it actually does some type of magic trick where every problem goes away for a while
i can't really explain it but i've always felt like the love you hold for an artist is a completely unique type of love and it's incomparable with the other types. he goes beyond it tho! i don't think i've ever loved any artist like i love him
and i feel fulfilled when he does these little acts, when he says simple words that end up carrying so much meaning bc i actually feel i'm being reciprocated :( who else in the world could do this if not him (or Them)
and god damn i know i probably sound like the biggest delulu but i literally feel offended just by thinking about comparing this to a delulu thing, no no no, it goes beyond all this foolery
he inspires me, you know, and he makes me feel like maybe life is worth living a bit. that one quote about him and the way he sees happiness? that was craved deep into my chest and i'll never ever forget it
(and i always cry when i think about it, but not because i'm sad! i cry because i just can't believe there's such a precious human being out there, who puts happiness first :( )
he just wants to be happy and i hope, from the bottom of my heart, that he is happy rn. that he feels all of these good feelings when he thinks about us just as much as i do when i think about him
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