People: “Billionaires should be giving money to enable research and disaster relief “

People: “We need a vaccine, fast.. can’t go on like this”

Bill : We’re on it, I’m making 7 labs for testing/creating vaccines

People: not you Bill, we didn’t ask for your help
Jeff: You see William, that’s why I don’t like doing that shit.

Elon *high AF* Musk: I’m telling you, electric cars in Mars,shit that has a ring to it 🧐 What y’all think about the space time continuum?

Mark: Tory Lanes is gonna get me into fucken trouble, I’m already in shit
Jeff: That shit lit AF though. You saw that Milk edition? The Almond milk hun can get it.

Elon: That’s why she left you.

Bill: And she donated a lot of that money Jeff 🌚.

Jeff: Makes me sick, she knows I hate that shit.

Mark: Tory just made another fucken account 🤬🤬
People: I hate billionaires, you can’t be a billionaire and not be selfish.

People: Ima take a picture helping the homeless, Instagram gonna eat it up

Mark: You posting that? On a Billionaires app?

People: I don’t hate instagram, I hate you, there’s a difference.
Jeff: saw something on Instagram, used yr laptop to buy it on Amazon using PayPal.

Mark: Amazon uses PayPal? Weak.

Bill: Weak indeed

Jeff: It’s a two step process,horrible

People: I don’t even use PayPal.

Elon: Well fuck you all, PayPal revolutionized online payments.
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