THREAD @GiantSlyers

1) The MSM is one continual rant on Trump for mentioning hydroxychloroquine. 60M people have taken it and I cannot find a single person who has died from being prescribed it by a doctor. The only case in which I can find,...
4) quietly deletes hydroxychloroquine guidance after Trump recommends it for use in Covid-19, stating that those cured by it were anecdotal.

The MSM and Left Wing Deep State are working together to take Trump down. They do not want a cure. They want to...
6)... from hydroxychloroquine? How many people will die if they don't get hydroxychloroquine? Where are all the people that have died from taking it?

It seems common sense has been flushed down the toilet.

@GiantSlyers is here to expose MSM lies.

7) Now that we have a reasonable cure that Dr. Fauci refuses to admit is working quite well, it is time to ramp up supplies of enough hydroxychloroquine for everyone to use if needed. On May 1st, younger people need to go back to work using precautions of using masks, washing...
8) ... hands and sanitizing commonly used things that hands touch. We need to get this country up and running before the cure (staying home) completely destroys this country, which will certainly cause more deaths than covid-19. With 60K deaths...
10) ... 61,200 died in 2018-2019, yet you did not see the panic in the MSM that you see today. What is the difference? Trump!

The MSM and Deep State couldn't take Trump down on his economy, so they had to use this disease to destroy our economy.
Don't let the Left-Wing Censorship Machine and Deep State destroy our country.

@GiantSlyers exists to speak truth to the MSM lies and expose their censorship.

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