Thread: The urge to quit grad school

Over the years I have had multiple conversations with people thinking of quitting.

I fear that in these trying times there are going to be a number of grad students thinking about quitting.

Hopefully this thread helps. (1/n)
2. If you're thinking of quitting right now, I get it. Grad school is tough at the best of times. Now, a number of you are facing projects that have to be redefined, even more precarious financial situations, added non-academic responsibilities and, well, it's an effing pandemic.
3. I've also seen some grad students struggling because they feel that their topic is no longer important in the face of this monumental crisis. That it is somehow "trivial" and they can't get motivated to work on it with everything that is going on. Also very understandable.
4. First things first though. You have to take care of yourself during these times. That means doing what you need/can do to preserve both your physical and mental well-being. I sincerely hope that your supervisors are behind you on this. Sadly, I know not all are.
5. Part of keeping yourself well may require, in the end, leaving grad school. If so, than it is the right decision. It will be hard, I'm sure. But grad school is not worth your health and well-being. Ever. Your 1st priority is you. Not your research. Not your supervisor.
6. But I hope that it doesn't take that. I hope that you can take that breather to consider again, why did you go to grad school? What did you hope to learn? What did you hope to contribute? Where did you want it to lead you?

Has any of that really changed?
7. Even in normal times, there's lots of good reasons to leave grad school. It may not be what you thought it was, may no longer fit in your goals for yourself. Great, then go do what does. Doesn't mean you couldn't finish. Means you choose not to. But these aren't normal times.
8. Remember a few things: this whole thing is about demonstrating some mastery over the process of research and your particular domain. It doesn't define who you are. It doesn't even define what you will work on in 5, 10, 15 years necessarily.
9. So, if you can, hold off on making that decision to leave now. Give yourself the space and time if possible to think through your project. Decide if grad school is still what you thought it would be and, if not, can you make it be so? But that is hard to do now. Takes time.
10. So, take care of yourselves, take the time if you can to work through why you are in grad school and what you hope to accomplish. If you need to do something different, then decide whether that "different" can be done by changing your grad experience.
11. One final thing for supervisors.

If you are not giving your students the support they need and the space to deal with this crisis, what the hell is wrong with you? I'm tired of seeing grad students on here talking about crappy support. Quit it.
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