Gosh it sucks when your friend is mauled by a dog and comes home suddenly caring about propriety
The angst of the book hinges upon Heathcliff overhearing a single conversation between Cathy and the servant Nelly. But angst this book will so he overhears. https://twitter.com/yael_kaplan/status/1248126149219061764
Heathcliff tried to kill Isabella’s dog because he is the worst
Yes Isabella leave that awful fucker and live your life.
And she’s dead
Her son is annoying as hell
Cathy 2 seems awesome so far and like she’s be fun to hang out with
Heathcliff you shithead! Don’t manipulate Cathy2 like this she’s a child.
Linton is a manipulative little shit and I’m happy I already know he dies young.
Hareton deserves better.
Can we return to the time Cathy2 climbed trees and was happy? Please?
Cathy2 is sneaking out and climbing back in through windows. You gotta admire her spirit.
I relate to the servant Michael in that I too can be bribed with books.
Hi I’m Hareton and I never fucking learned how to read.
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