Let's dive into Bill Gates some more and figure out exactly who is trying to force-feed the world a vaccine for CoronaVirus

We'll talk about Bills' relationship with the WHO and UNICEF in a terrible discovery by Kenyan catholic priests in 2014.

In 1999 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation granted $26 million to the WHO (World Health Organization) and to UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund) as part of a cooperative deal to help distribute Tetanus vaccines across the world.

Kenya is one of the locations where UNICEF, the WHO, and BMGF distribute vaccines.

Here are some other notable locations as well.

In 2014 Kenyan catholic priests noticed the secrecy of the distribution and started to raise questions about the tetanus vaccine containing a hormone called HCG which causes infertility.

What did they do about it?

They went to the Director of Medical Services and the Cabinet secretary of health who had both agreed to allow testing of the vaccine.

However, they did not cooperate

The catholic church found vaccines & sent them to testing labs across Africa

What they found was shocking evidence that the vaccines did, in fact, have HCG laced in them.

In November of 2014, a parliamentary committee ordered an investigation into the claims that the vaccine was being used to sterilize women.

"Dr. Robert Pukose, the chairman of the House Committee on Health, asked for the investigation after observing that the Ministry of Health and the church appeared to get different results from samples tested"

The ruling came after they presented their tests to parliament.

Their questions stemmed from their belief that the WHO and the United Nations had been depopulating Kenya since 1972.

Wildly enough Kenya peaked in fertility rate almost immediately after the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) made their HQ in Nairobi in 1972.

The priests claimed that other countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, & the Philippines had similar tetanus drives & that they were secretly being sterilized

Interestingly enough in similar time frames, these countries have seen a drop in fertility rate coinciding with Kenya

The Catholic priests obtained samples from Mombasa, Kilifi, Trans Nzoia, Narok and Kajiado.

The Ministry asked why they didn't take the vaccines to be tested at the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the priests explained that any chemist can do the test.

The priests asked why men or young boys didn't receive the vaccine & only women.

The ministry stated that the vaccine was to prevent neonatal tetanus which is why the vaccine was administered before or during pregnancy

The ministry dismissed the evidence as “invalid..."

This is what they had to say when it was all said and done.

Unfortunately, it seems this case has gone dark. As most cases do regarding vaccines do.

Is anyone else seeing a trend of infertility amongst these vaccines?

Could it be possible that Bill wasn't joking when he said we could get the population down by about 10-15% with vaccines?

14/15 https://twitter.com/Education4Libs/status/1247321363041472512?s=20
Now, do you really think the WHO, United Nations, Bill Gates, or anyone else pushing vaccines really has your best interests in mind?

If you want to help expose these people for what they really are then help me by spreading this thread & also help me in responding to comments claiming that this is all a hoax (because they will come)

I put in about 4 hours of research on this thread so that you know the truth
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