A vast majority of Shia Muslims belong to a subsect called Šī'eh-ye Davâzdah-Emâmī or, more commonly, the Twelvers. The sect is also the official State religion of Iran. This thread attempts to understand the Twelver theology from an analytical standpoint.
The entire Twelver theology revolves around 12 imams or mahdis in a single line of succession starting with Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law. The 11 on this list was Hasan ibn Ali, also Abu al-Mahdi. Hasan was killed by poisoning at the behest of the then Abbasid Caliph.
Murder had been a running theme throughout this line of mahdis and poisoning was the preferred mode. And Samarra (in modern-day Iraq, about 62 miles from Baghdad) remained the epicenter of Twelver action those days. Upon his death, Hasan was 28. They died young those days.
When Hasan died, his son Hujjat Allah ibn al-Hasan or Abu al-Qasim was just 5. Interestingly, the boy was last seen at his father's funeral. Then he just disappeared. That, however, didn't stop him from taking over as the 12th mahdi after his father.
This disappearance has a theological name: Occultation. The idea is that he never died, but remains invisible until further notice. During this period, he's appointed a bunch of proxies to fill in for him to his followers via a letter.
And since he never died, he remains the final and current Imam with no successor, hence the name "Twelvers." Now although Sunnis (the Salafis in particular) don't believe in this line's divinity, the Bukhari Hadith does attribute to Mohammed a declaration to this effect.
Per this hadith, Mohammed had announced that he'd be succeeded by 12 caliphs all from his own tribe, the Quraysh. This rings interestingly similar to the 12 Apostles of Christ. Hard to say if that's mere coincidence or a case of theological and scriptural inspiration.
Another parallel between Christianity and the Twelver mysticism exists. This 12th Imam is said to have an eschatological story too. It's said that he'll return on the Judgment Day to bring about peace and judgement. As will Christ! There's more...
It's also said that both Isa (Islamic name of Jesus) and the 12th Imam will actually join forces during the final act. Islam and Christianity enjoy a lot more overlap and that's because they both trace a common Abrahamic history, but that's a conversation for another day.
So although this last Imam or Mahdi didn't officially "die," he does have a birthday. The 15th of Sha'ban (8th month on the Hijri calendar), 1441 AH, or July 28, 879 AD.

That day is today.
One of the key fiestas in the Shi'a world, this day sees its opulent best in the Iraqi city of Qom, with pyrotechnics and delicacies. Halva and candies are staples of the night from Bosnia to Iran and from Indonesia to Afghanistan.
Shab-e-barat mubarak to all our Muslim friends. Here's hoping the Mahdi's invisible hands continues to bestow you with health, prosperity, and above all, given the times, JUSTICE.

P.S. The number of tweets in this thread is mere coincidence. 😉
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