These women can’t seem to have fulfilling romantic and financial lives. Often they have issues with the uterus and stomach.
UmNdau gets blocked by these pastors’ rituals. UmNdau facilitates growth and prosperity in the areas of sex/companionship and money/finance.
They are trained not to attempt to date outside of the church or without the pastor’s approval. And even then, the relationships just don’t work out.
So all these women have is the church. Ball and chain.
And all they are is the aunt who thinks no one in their family is Christian
They would rather resign from work, cash out their pension money and contribute to the church’s “building fund” as a “sacrifice to the lord”.
The darkness is like something I’ve never seen before.
The rituals required to heal and free them are often extreme.
Anyway, not all churches are bad. Not all charismatic churches are bad. Not all pastors do this.
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