I am a fem, poc, Euro-influenced socialist. There is no way that I WANT to vote for Biden. BUT PEOPLES LIVES DEPEND ON GETTING TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE. I refuse to lose years of progress works done by congresspeople like AOC, Bernie & Warren.
Check your fucking Priceline because some of us are already oppressed and need Trump out to protect our rights and lives so that we can live to fight another day and usher in a new age of socialism.
All of y’all’s white privileged is showing and I’m sick of it. Call me a bootlicker if you want but when you throw a fit and push our gov further towards the radical left because your life isn’t threatened then you can fuck right off.
You’re allowed to be mad and god knows I cried but you’re not allowed to toy with people’s lives, rights, etc. and call it a just reaction.
There are mistakes in this thread but idgaf! I’m furious🤬
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