#RubyPrincess THREAD 🛳

Ok so many Australians would assume this is something border force deals with. But it docked in Sydney so they tried to use that as a reason to make it a NSW problem and that has their politicans ducking and weaving, making it a NSW
police problem (which must be awkward with victims in all states and territories) and the commissioner talks absolute mess. Oh yeah and so the New South Wales police are trying to blame the crew of the ship and the company.
MEANWHILE shits kicking off with Gladys and top Border Force guy and get this GET THIS border force dude says people on boats ain't their problem, other than visas and contraband and that biosecurity is in the AGRICULTURE department. I will add that he isn't wrong but he may
have forgotten that he was talking about PEOPLE, didn't go with health, fucking agriculture. So that means some one in the potato's department is blaming the department that has/had that coward that has me blocked on Twitter, David Little-to-be-proud-of at the wheel
but what REALLY gets me is how they are carrying on like there isn't a fucking PANDEMIC happening.
Useless fuckheads.
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