Ok, I wanted to leave it for peace, ignore it, but no, I won't. Ignoring it is like letting it keep happening. And no, not today and never Satan. I'll explain what happens, and let's start with this:

#lifeisstrange #lis #lifeisstrange2 #lis2 #WeareLiS
Look @CHAOSMAXINE you don't like my work or some ships, and neither of your "friends" who commented to you, ok is fine.
We can see here who I like your publication, and oh! there is @flyhertothem00n
moments later, what does @flyhertothem00n like to share: this!
And look, suppose you weren't talking about my work, even so, You have no right to say such words for two reasons:

(spoilers: obviously you did it for my work, the time and moment aren't just a coincidence)
1.- There are many talented artists who have drawn Grahamfield, Caulscott and other "trouble" ships. You don't know them? I can gladly show you or you just go find them on Tumblr. You don't want? So stay in your bubble of ignorance. Its your choice.
2.- Aesthetics and beauty is subjective. While for you something can be "ugly" for others it is beautiful. And also some of us continue to improve our work. In fact, an artist never stops progressing and improving. Examples, many.
If you're so concerned about the performance of fanarts, then give advice! Then show and share tutorials! Be friendly and entertaining to those artists who need improvement! But I guess it would be too much for you...
Here are the people who liked his comment. I guess they think the same as her and that I advise them the same: give solutions and kindness, not prejudice and ignorance.
So, that's it. If you don't like my work and want to speak bad of it, tell me to my face, don't be cowards. But there is no problem, that with this tweet I gave recognition and merits to their beautiful attitudes. Bye.
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