Omg thread of sims 2 music videos embedded in my memory and that are classics w millions of views
Starting with the queen
The maximum quality of this vid is 240p
Jd movies brought us CINEMATOGRAPHY brought us DRAMA brought us STORY jdkdks they reuploaded the stuff a lot of times there’s another vid from 8 years ago w 345k views or st
Bro the time u had to have to make shot for shot remakes...
In HD!!! (All of these are 12-10 yrs old holy shit)
THIS GEM IS GONNA BE 14 YEARS!!! Also i love how the graphics were on the lowest setting and you could see all the speech bubbles
Bc we were all angsty children... this is also gonna be 14 yo!!!!
A CLASSIC!! EMO GIRLS WHERE U AT???? (This one is 13 years old)
Ok lmao i can’t find more good ones so let’s end with the BEST ONE
TBH I DID ALL THIS LEADING TO THIS VIDEO!! By JD Movies again... i am sad this is not the og upload bc dang this was MAJOR when she dropped it like LOOK AT THE WORLD BUILDING the sets the moods the CINEMATOGRAPHY the story DAMN I hope she is in the movie insudtry tbh
End of thread if any of u remember more pls tell me
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