Peter Cory - what a remarkable life, what a remarkable jurist and human. Kind, humble, bright and generous.
He was also funny and self-deprecating. He said in speeches that he was appointed to the Court of Appeal so they wouldn't keep reversing him, and to the Supreme Court to avoid being always in dissent. But that didn't work.
He brought cookies to other Justices on the Court - I recall it being daily, but that may have been an urban myth. But it was on brand, whether true or not.
He was a remarkable squash player. After he retired from the Court he said he couldn't play anymore - so he'd taken up tennis.
Whenever I saw him in Court he was genuinely kind to lawyers - asking them the helpful question when they got into trouble. Not all lawyers picked up on the help he was giving, but he offered it.
I don't think any judge would go wrong aspiring to be like him in a courtroom.
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