1/James Carville: “We’re going2have2do some multi-politicking&talk to Sen Sanders&his supporters about things we can do2unify the party&get on w/the singular most important mission in modern American politics: extracting donald trump from the WH as quickly as possible.” #11thHour
2/ James Carville on Biden being the apparent nominee: “It was Democratic voters that made the decision. And they made it overwhelmingly. And they have to be respected. The ‘Establishment’ or whatever that stupidity is didn’t make this decision.” #11thHour
3/ James Carville: “Biden’s in a commanding position. But we’ve got2be careful about them mucking around w/this voting. trump&all the Republicans admit it: ‘We cant win if everybody votes.’ Mitch McConnell&the Supreme Court. They’re going2do everything they can2hold onto power.”
4/ James Carville: “This thing in Wisconsin was one of the most awful things I’ve seen in my life. It shows you the extent they’ll go to to hold onto power. It was about one Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin! They’ll kill people to stay in power. Literally.” #11thHour
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