again, open whatever you want. nobody’s got the disposable income and nobody’s got the cash flow and nobody’s gonna consume enough to cover the expense of just unlocking the doors every day until the virus is under control
all it’s gonna take is a handful of outbreaks in offices and workplaces to grind it all right back to a halt but next time at the cost of an even lengthier reboot period because you’re shattering any shreds of confidence people had left in the first place
even if every hardcore MAGA lunatic sits at chili’s seven nights a week pounding margaritas and babyback ribs it’s not enough to cover the missing business of the 70% with functioning brains who won’t go near the place and chili’s is flat broke in a month
businesses aren’t built on partisan consumer divisions like “do you think the virus is a hoax”. their operating margins are predicated on attracting maximum patronage and until 80% of all consumers feel safe their business is closed by mere default and not fiat
most operations that can safely operate are still operating in some limited capacity remotely or via transactions occurring through minimal social interaction. everything else requiring rubbing shoulders is held hostage to getting the virus under control
remember when nobody thought shopping malls could possibly die
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