like let's have a talk right now, a talk about how haseul has the most and better vocal training and hasn't been sent to any show to show off her skills and (possibly) make loona go viral within knetz.
let's also talk about vivi, who was a professional model predebut and bbc could be milking that out by promoting her and her beauty via getting her cfs but instead she's treated like she doesn't matter.
and yeojin, who balances school and idol life and deserves a place on the dance line has been treated like shit from day one. no loona tv arch, no lines, no screentime. they treat her like their little mascot.
and i don't wait for orbits to realize how fucked up this is because none of you have actual brain capacity to understand that this goes beyond just "complaining." this is gonna affect the girls' careers in the future because no one will care about them.
they're wasting years of training being left behind at home, sitting and watching all the other girls eventually attend to something while they get nothing and that's what makes me mad. the fact that they know what's happening and can't really do anything about it
orbits just love to downplay it and say "they don't care!" "they asked for no presence" but who the fuck asks to not be involved in the group they trained years to be in? are you fucking stupid? were you dropped as a fucking toddler? use your brain for once in your life
like fuck blockberry for doing this to them. they deserve better and i can't wait for the day they rot in hell, all fifteen of those stupid donkeys plus the ceo. hope they d!3!!!!!
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