TW: Sexual Abuse

Why am I, a sexual abuse survivor, voting for Joe Biden, who is a sexual predator and the Democratic nominee for POTUS?

Let me explain.
So, we all know that Joe Biden is a sexual predator.

You know the creepy shoulder squeeze that he does to unsuspecting women and when they report it, people jump down their throats?

Up until last August, my maternal uncle would sneak up behind me and pinch my neck.
In addition to that, whilst drunk, he would make sexual comments about my body, talk about if he were my age in the present time, he would "trap" me because I'm a halfway decent person.

In the real world, we would call that reproductive coercion.
I have a slight suspicion that sexual abuse happened to me during my childhood, based on memories I had once I entered foster care. I'm not super sure.

However, as an abuse survivor, I'm still going to vote for Joe Biden.

Why, you ask?
Because if an incompetent president like Donald Trump is reelected, the country will go up in flames. Actually qualified people who can run the country will be fired, patronage will continue, and Cheeto Puff will continue to get away with fraud, concentration camps,
and people dying under his rule.

I don't like Biden. To be frank, Joe Biden creeps me the fuck out.

However, because he's smart enough to having a VP who is qualified, as well as surround himself with smart people, our country is in better hands.
Roe v. Wade won't be in jeopardy.

Having a Democratic president, and hopefully a Democratic country, might undue the huge fucking mess Americans are currently dealing with.
If you don't vote for the lesser of the evil rapist/sexual predator, you're essentially voting for Trump.

And as a sexual abuse and abuse survivor, I understand why and understand and empathize because every time I look at Joe Biden or Donald Trump, I feel sick.
However, I'd rather have Joe Biden in office than Donald Trump.

I'm not a rape apologist, I don't have Stockholm Syndrome, I just don't want the country I live in to go up in flames.

If it seems like I'm a rape apologist, I'm sorry. It's not what I'm conveying at all.
Most likely, during the entire time that Joe Biden is POTUS, I will be seeing my therapist on a weekly basis and working through issues of guilt and disgust.

Having Biden as the nominee instead of Sanders is making me sick.

I actually wanted Sanders as the nominee.
I like Elizabeth Warren more, but at the end of the day, I wanted Bernie Sanders to be the next POTUS.

I hope this thread explains my thought process and feel free to DM me with thoughts, confrontations, etc.

I can take criticism.
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