I hate this MCO. I know my issues aren’t as severe as my grandmother’s blood transfusions. But, allow me this space to share a little bit of my personal struggle and how the MCO has affected me.
I’ve been battling some anxiety this past week. I’m still struggling to understand it, and its effects on my daily life. It affects my mood, relationships w friends and colleagues and unfortunately my mental health. For a whole week in 28+/- days, I rarely sleep more than 3 hrs.
I only realised this monthly occurrence last month. I was scheduled to see my gynaecologist on the 31/03. But I’m rescheduled due to the MCO. I walked into the A&E last month because I struggled to breathe and asked for Xanax.
I’m stuck. I hate having to go through this. I don’t want it to be an excuse to take a day or two off work. I worry it’ll affect my career and others’ judgement of me. But, I know I need to mindfully take a step back and expect to by looking at my hormonal menstrual cycle.
I’m trying to stay drug-free, but I keep Xanax lying around in case things get too tough and I can’t catch myself.

I’ve been trying to watch my diet, eat less meat, be conscious of my environment, exercise at least 3 times a week, meditate and go for therapy.
But, I am still struggling and it’s frustrating. It’s more frustrating that I can’t physically see my therapist or see my doctor to help me understand what’s going on, and finding management tools.

The point of this thread is:

What would you do, if you were me? What can I do?
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