THREAD: Throughout the millenium, labor has been exploited by the elite, owner class, however that dynamic came about.

Facing fear of death, many suffered the ultimate exploitation of slavery. Today, the modern world enslaves to compete for slave wages to meet basic needs. /1
Enterprise dominates production to fill the consumer demand. Factories operate and goods are distributed to the masses.

At one point, and in certain secluded areas of the world, workers who generated the profit of any given business, shared in the profits, and losses. /2
But we started seeing the freedom of the free market at work. Wherever an extra dollar could be made, it was. Finding those cuts became a lucrative business in and of itself.

Businesses' most costly expenditure is [usually] labor. It's also the first and easiest to cut. /3
All over the world there is a massive devaluation of human input. It's a shame really bc no matter how many machines you have, you still need some measure of human involvement.

Perhaps the problem isn't the number of jobs available, but the quality of the compensation. /4
Why should it take more than one job to provide for an average family household? Ya know, a couple parents, few kids, maybe four, as an average to go off of.

A family unit provided for by one income is not unheard of. It should be widespread. Why isn't it? /5
One could argue a higher minimum wage.

I rebut that is involuntary coercion to make a business entity to something that is completely contrary to its mission of making a profit.

Is there a better way to set a wage floor in the private sector. Competition? Job Guarantee? /6
Yes. That seems reasonable, once the economic benefits are broken down. But it also points to fostering a different paradigm of work and ownership. A JG is meant to be a transitional security that also serves the local community.

All good.

What is available long term? Same? /7
No. We have to change the way we look at labor and ownership. The only way you will ever have an equitable share of profit within a private enterprise, is if it is worker-owned, democratized and governed by the community it makes up.

Workers have the power in any business. /8
The moment workers threaten to shut down the economy the way we are being force to involuntarily now, you will see a crippling effect that will bring the power structure to its knees.

It can't be weak though. It has to be organized. People have to be serious about it. /9
No party politics. No banners of division. Only the demands made by Common Labor. If we are truly tired of the inability of our elected officials to address the needs of the populace, then we have to send them a clear and powerful message.

Hand in pockets. Meet our demands. /10
We'll have allies, hopefully, in elected office, but they are only our stewarts to deliver our demands. We must stand united as workers.

The demands include a platform of improving the lives of all those who've suffered at the hands of a corrupted governmental U.S. system. /11
From that, we coordinate a new political party structure that will represent the very qualities in action that we all say we stand for. New name. New alliances. United under a Common goal of Labor unity.

It's the only thing that will work moving forward. #GeneralStrike /END
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