i hear all this talk about corona but not about Coronis (Κορωνις)a princess of thessaly, & lover of apollo. she would commonly call him for a dick appt & he would oblige ofc, so she got pregnant. at one point he stopped seeing her, &she met a guy named Ischys, and her dad said
Not to sleep with him, and of course she did. she fell in love with Ischys as a result.
at the time, crows were white, and apollo had a sent one of the birds to watch over Coronis. when the bird reported the affair back to apollo, he was pissed it hadn’t pecked ischys’ eyes out and cursed the bird so furiously is scorched it feathers black.
( this is the reason crows are black. crows also used to be sacred to athena but she found them too ‘gossip-y’ and switched them with the owl. )
some say artemis did it bc apollo couldnt being himself to, & some say apollo did do it, but either way by the end of the day, Coronis & Ischys had an arrow in their throat. & it wasn’t until her body was a burning pyre that apollo remembered the baby & sent hermes to cut it out
(of her womb) Hermes gave the baby boy, Asclepius, to Chiron. Chiron raised him and taught him everything about the art of healing. Due to becoming so talented with medicine, Asclepius became the god of medicine and so did apollo since he was closely associated.
now for the past 2 millennia, Asclepius & his rod—a snake entwined staff— have represented medicine. (peep it on the side of ambulances)not to be confused with the Hermes’ Caduceus which has wings & two snakes. Coronis was set among the stars as Corvus, the crow (raven in latin)
Asclepius had 5 important daughters.

i. Hygiea—goddess of sanitation and cleanliness, she’s where the word hygiene comes from and has been very much enjoying that people are washing their hands again but never understood why they stopped in the first place
ii. Iaso—goddess of recuperation from illness. shes the reason get well soon cards exist
iii. Aceso—goddess of the healing process. she’s the reason you feel like shit and won’t get out of bed when you’re sick
iv. Aegle—goddess of good health. i blame her for juice cleanses. she’s the patroness of everyone working out at home during this quarantine, she sees you and she’s very proud!
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