Creepy facts (Part 3)

—a thread;
The Turritopsis Dohrnii jellyfish is officially known as the only immortal creature in the world. It lives forever.
Within three days of death, the enzymes from your digestive system begin to digest your body.
a body decomposes four times faster in water than on land.
Did you know that crows aren't just extremely intelligent, but that they even have their own language? Not only are they able to communicate in ways we never imagined, they're probably using this talent to plot our downfall.
Oscar the therapy cat was raised in the dementia unit of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode http://Island.It 's said that he can sense the impending death of a patient, and will curl up and sleep next to a patient if they're near the end
The Pacu fish, found mostly in Brazil. They're related to piranhas and yes, they really do have human teeth.
The schoolhouse in Hitchcock's The Birds is a real-life haunted house, and its current residents say they hear footsteps and children laughing.
The creepy, possessed Annabelle doll from The Conjuring is based off a real, possessed Raggedy Ann doll.The real doll, which is kept at the real Ed and Lorraine Warren's in-home occult museum, is believed to be inhabited by an inhuman spirit.
The cast and crew of the 2005 Amityville Horror kept waking up inexplicably at 3:15 a.m. while filming, which is the same time Ryan Reynolds' character mysteriously wakes up every night in the film.
After the first day of filming The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga found three unexplained claw marks on her skin.
"I don't know what happened," she said, "unless I had a mosquito bite and I scratched it with three fingers."
And every time you swim in the ocean, you're basically bathing in a graveyard.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been lost or purposely buried at sea.
Your brain can play tricks on you to make you see monsters in the mirror, called the Troxler Effect.The Troxler Effect is an optical illusion that affects how you perceive things, both visually and mentally. Spooky.
In 1518, there was a dancing plague where about 400 people began to involuntary dance for days on end.Physicians assumed that they were shaking off a fever. Some people died of a heart attack, exhaustion, or even strokes.
A Nigerian man, Harrison Okene survived in a sunken ship for nearly 3 DAYS - 270 feet underwater, in pitch darkness, while listening to fish eat the corpses of his shipmates. He was the lone survivor out of the 12 on board
A young boy named Frank Goldsmith Jr. survived the Titanic. Years later, he moved into a home near a baseball stadium. The crowd's cheers always reminded him of the screams of dying passengers. This haunted him so much that he never took his own children to a baseball game.
A 22 year old Canadian man, Tim McLean was sleeping on a Greyhound bus in 2008, going through Canada, when a man next to him on the bus decapitated him and began eating his flesh.
A 4 year old kid named Bobby Dunbar disappeared on a family trip, 8 months later they rescued him and reunited him with his family and the pay lived happily ever after. Nearly a hundred years later, DNA proved conclusively that the kid they rescued wasn't Bobby Dunbar.
When artist William Utermohlen was diagnosed Alzheimer's disease, he continued creating self-portraits for the next several years until he could no longer remember his own face.
In 2006, Joyce Carol Vincent was found in her London apartment, skeletonized after being dead for 3 years. Her tv was still on.
In 1979, 16 yr. old Brenda Ann Spencer was arrested after killing 2 people in California. When asked why she did it, her reply was "I just don't like Mondays."
Dyk? The last episode of "Tom & Jerry" ends with both of them committing suicide
A Japanese man puzzled by food mysteriously disappearing from his refrigerator got a shock when he found out a woman had been living in his home, inside his closet for a year
The episode The Great Fusili, is the last episode of season 1 of Courage the Cowardly Dog, and it ends with a scene where Courage is basically controlling the dead bodies of Muriel and Eustace as puppets in attempt to keep his life with them going.
Dominic Calgi of New York, owned a car with Licence plate 57 17 32 which spelled out the exact date of his death. May 17, 1932...
In 1933, a Japanese School Girl committed suicide by jumping into a volcanic crater on the island of Oshima. This act started a bizarre trend in Japan, and in the following year 944 other people (804 men and 104 women) leapt at the same crater.
"A Nightmare on Elm Street" is based on a true story. A 12 year old boy was having nightmares and tried to stay up. He failed.
He woke up with 4 slashes on his chest. Police said it wasn't self afflicted and there was no type of break in.
On August 29th, 1968, all of the televisions in America shut down. There was murmuring on the TV that some belived was the Devil's voice. The TVs were off for about 25 seconds and nobody knows what the sound was or where it came from.
There's a heart abnormality called the
"Brugada Syndrome" that causes healthy people to suddenly die without any symptoms and warning whatsoever.
Most laughing audios used from today's modern television shows were recorded at 1960s! So basically you are hearing dead people laugh.
If you wake up at 2-3:00 am without knowing why... There is an 80% chance that someone from somewhere is staring right at you...
Japan's 35-square-kilometer Aokigahara forest is popular among tourists, with its beautiful trees and caverns.
It's also said to be cursed and is a popular site for suicides, with 57 occurring in 2010 alone.
Dead bodies swell up like balloons after about four days, due to the release of gases and liquids.
a human head remains conscious for around 20 seconds after being decapitated
The movie 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' was based on news articles about Cambodian refugees refusing to fall asleep due to nightmares.
Many of them ended up dying in their sleep of unexplained causes.
Every year, we unknowingly pass the anniversary of our death day.
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