Python package management is an absolute tire fire.

You might want to argue with that observation, but you can't; you have to go fix a dependency problem instead.
There’s a Japanese word for wanting to berate something but you know you live in a glass house yourself, and that word is “nokogiri.”
CPAN was okay back when the Perl community could fill a stadium, but it’s overkill now that the Perl community would struggle to fill a booth at Denny’s.
Rust’s package management system is called “crate” because you stand on a soapbox to opine on Rust’s superiority instead of building anything.
The Docker folks decreed that the only sane way to keep projects separate was full container isolation.

This is of course ridiculous, but in Go land it’s also not wrong.
node is a supported runtime for AWS Lambda because some beautiful naive fool thought you could somehow magically get “hello world” and its dependencies to fit within the 250MB limit.
Swift packaging is irrelevant because nobody is going to adopt a programming language made by a company who can’t get a keyboard right for five years.
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