Dear MOHW and the Hon. Andrew Holness,

Firstly, as a Healthcare Worker and a citizen of this country I am truly grateful for all you have done for our Nation to be in the position to overcome this Pandemic. Your hard work and efforts have been noteworthy and surely redounds to.
the best interest of ALL Jamaicans.

I know that the decisions you are faced with on a daily basis are not easy and every day I pray that you all are blessed with the wisdom, knowledge and courage that is needed.
However, I have a few concerns.

The saying “prevention is better than cure” is the cornerstone and foundation of any public health crisis. This being a novel virus we have no cure to date, and human behaviour as the only preventative measure.

The word, mitigate ..
in the normal lexicon of the English Language means to make something bad less severe or serious. In the context of a healthcare crisis it simply means to STOP THE SPREAD OF THE DISEASE. We already know from history that social distancing and keeping people indoors is the most ..
tried and proven measures that can be employed to achieve mitigation.

If only the entire world could just stand still for 28 days, this nightmare would all be over but we know that is impossible! We have seen the results of many countries ahead of us who have gone to extreme.
measures to mitigate and it is working. Many of our Caribbean neigbours who are behind us in this outbreak have taken this big step and their citizens will be thanking them in weeks to come.

Yes we know that “social distancing “is a privilege for only some Jamaicans.
However, you have entrusted too much to our citizens who for many reasons some of which are through no fault of theirs, have not responded with the level of discipline and understanding which is crucial to achieve the desired outcome. So they have failed us. ....
You have seen the videos and pictures and have heard the stories. They paint a dismal picture.

But all is not lost. Our curve is still below our healthcare capacity and we can keep it there. BUT only if we can get across to EVERY single Jamaican that they need to....

You continue to maintain that we have not yet reached community spread but most of us as Healthcare Workers disagree. If we haven’t, then why are we retrofitting the Indoor Sports Center at ....
this time at a cost of $180 million? To pull this from your armoury of solutions at this juncture surely in the absence of certain data is troubling. In my humble opinion this suggests that you have given up on your citizens changing their behaviour.
Why not together with the Private Sector use this $180 million NOW like today and with the help of every Member of Parliament, Councillor and Caretaker and Clergy, provide food for those who you know will need the support for fourteen days. They know their constituency and they..
it over and done with. Who knows we might very well end up ‘killing two birds with one stone’ as we might very well be mitigating the crime disease as well. Let the security forces use this time to clinically and strategically move against the criminals ...
in the various ‘hot spots’.

Lastly I love the effort of getting more ventilators for the nation and opening a field hospital in the event that we are beyond our healthcare capacity. But one thing you all haven’t addressed and this is the most common question being asked among.
all healthcare workers is - where will you find healthcare workers- mainly doctors and nurses to operate this temporary facility and the ventilators. Lest you have forgotten that there is a severe shortage of nurses in our nation and barley enough doctors working in your...
public institutions.

With that said, let’s continue to work on mitigating this disease with a tad less resources going towards the treatment phase.

Yours truly,

A very concerned Healthcare Worker and citizen of my beloved Jamaica.

Dr. Thea-Nicole Davis.
Dr.Christopher Tufton
Andrew Holness
Matthew Samuda
Simone Spence
Peter Phillips
Peter Bunting, MP
Wayne Chen
Dayton R Campbell
Winston De La Haye
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