AG Bill Barr, on Fox News, refers to current restrictions as "draconian measures" and says at end of April, he thinks we should "allow people to adapt more than we have, & not just tell people to go home and hide under their bed."
Barr, a major proponent of executive power, adds "I am concerned that we not get into the business of declaring everything an emergency & then using these kinds of sweeping, extraordinary steps. But given where we were back in March, I think the president made the right decision"
Barr also criticizes “snarky, gotcha questions from the White House media pool” and says of Trump & hydroxychloroquine, "As soon as he said something positive about it, the media’s been on a jihad to discredit the drug."
Barr notes that the economic impact of the crisis also means lives are lost; for example, cancer researchers are at home now. “We will have a weaker healthcare system, if we go into a deep depression. So just measured in lives, the cure cannot be worse than the disease," he says.
Barr says he and his security detail wear masks going to and from the office (when they come in -- they are teleworking more, he says). He did not wear a mask during the interview, and joked he didn't think it would be allowed.
Previewing segment Fox plans to air tomorrow, Barr says what happened to Trump in Russia investigation was “one of the greatest travesties in American history." Probe, he says, was started "without any basis" & steps taken post-election were meant "to sabotage the presidency"
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