Ride Wit My Side

*a thread*
Ok, ok.

A little backstory... for context.

Remember AJ, BJ, & CJ?

This happened AFTER that.
CJ & I became ...basically exclusive after that & we had lotsssssss of sex. Lol.

he was fine, and we had fun... but baby boy wasn’t doing it for me anymore.
I decided I should tell him. (Cuz communication is 🔑), I hit him up.. told him we needed to talk.

He invited me over.
Okay. Y’all ready?

Let’s set the scene.
I had just got to CJ’s apartment & I could tell he didn’t take my request to talk seriously.

He was all over me... clearly trying to pet the kitty... he acted surprised when I stopped him. 💀
I told CJ I wanted to date others again... told him I wanted some space.

And he didn’t take the shit well..... AT ALL.

We argued... and then he started throwing my shit out his apartment 😂 like.. the 2 outfits I had over there.. my toothbrush... some shoes...
Being me.... I wasn’t gon deal wit that juvenile shit, so I just walked tf out.

Let him have his tantrum.

He was hurt, I get it. Hold your L, babe.

I was standing against the wall opposite his apt door listening to & watching him do the fucking most.
CJ was talking shit b4 slamming and locking the door in my face.

& at the same time, this guy was walking down the apartment’s hallway... he looked at my shit on the ground and then looked at me before peeking at CJ’s door.

“...you good?” He asked me.
I nodded.

Then he asked if I needed help picking my stuff up. I told him no but he helped anyway.

And that’s when I noticed he was cute.
I ain’t say anything. I behaved 😂 but after my stuff was picked up, we both had to exit the building, and we were on the 5th floor...

So we both headed to the elevator.
We got on and it was practically silent.

I do remember it being a slow ass elevator LMAOO

I saw him looking at me but completely ignored it & pretended I didn’t notice.

We got down to the main floor and the doors opened.

He let me walk out first.
As I’m walking in front of him, he says the back of my damn head “do you have a Snapchat or something...”

Imaoo I turned around and gave him my snap and played it cool & walked out the building to head home.

I had justttt walked in the door when I got a notification on snap.
It was him. I added him back but we never spoke. He ALWAYS watched my stories and sent heart eyes and stuff.

Until one day.. he sent me a snap, I responded,&the rest is history.

We started to truly chat it up every day.

He was cool as hell, fine as hell, & was an intellect.
Oh, let’s name him... Ray. (:

Even tho I was done wit CJ & was single & stuff, I had a lot on my plate and could never make time to see Ray.

Which means our texting&FT relationship GREW.

We texted all day and FaceTimed all night.

I bet you’re wondering if I liked him.
I did. Lol.

But I. Was. Not. Looking. For. Commitment.

Did Ray know this? Yes.

But he had a jealous streak.
Like... send a screenshot asking who’s commenting on your Instagram pic jealous.

And I ain’t like det.
Even tho he had my attention and my roster was empty at the time, I told him that didn’t mean we would STAY exclusive, feel me? /:

Anytime someone commented on my pic, ‘hearted’ my shit on FB or mentioned me on Twitter, here he was on my line needing to talk about it.
He had nothing to worry about!!!! (At first)
He was supposed to chill and just go with the flow.

Had Ray not been so damn jealous and nit-picky, we probably could have grown into sumn more

& I probably wouldn’t have saw that DM.
“What DM?!?!”

I’m glad you asked.

I had gotten a DM from a dude I knew from my hometown.

I mentioned on my story or sumn that I was planning a trip back to the city in a month or less.

He said he finally could take me out.

And uhh. I DID use to have a crush on him.
Ooooh let’s name the second guy Mario (bc looked like Mario the singer but with dreads & muscles) LMAOO

Anyway, after that DM, Mario and I started chatting. It was super casual.. but I found out we had some organize chemistry.

It sure as hell beat having Ray crying in my ear.
I guess Ray felt me become a bit more distant because he started fucking tripping.

I told his ass to relax because I’m not his woman.

That’s when he cried on FaceTime and told me he was in love wit me.

Honestly.. I remember exactly what I said...
“How are you in love with me and you’ve never seen me in person?”

Lmao. Because wtf. I was FED UP with his ass already.

“I see your soul” he said. Deadass. Like we were in a fucking Shakespeare play.

I remember staring at him before I chuckled and hung up. ( 🥴😫😢)
I put Ray’s thread on DND cuz he was blowing me tf up & I ain’t give a damn.

Later that day, Mario DM’d me asking for my number.

I gave it to him.
Mario and I were chatting it up baybeeeeeeee. Let’s just say I was looking forward to visiting the city and seeing him.

I ignored Ray for about a week.

& I’m a total shitbag but a piece of me started to... miss him?? Or something?

Either way, bitch, I texted him.
Told him I want to be friends. That I missed talking to him.

He was angry with me. Which made sense. Lol.

He asked if I was talking to anyone else and if he had my attention again.

I had two options in my head at the time:
“No, I’m not talking to anyone else” I told Ray. I just remember not wanting to trigger a dramatic ass discussion with him.

I genuinely felt like I didn’t have to discuss shit with someone who isn’t my man.

Even tho Mario and I exchanged nudes & sexted a few times that week.
Let’s speed this up...

About 2 or 3 weeks went by where I was juggling Ray & Mario.

Ray knew NOTHING about Mario.

Mario knee about Ray. Mario called Ray my “ass kisser” cuz he was definitely on my dick. 24/7. Geesh.
Anyway... Every time ray asked if I was talking to someone, I said no.

Anytime he asked if I was dating others I would tell him i was only entertaining him. Lmao.

(Just.... ruthless and unnecessarily cruel of me to continuously lie, but anyway)
Another week or so goes by and it’s nearing my trip to the city AKA my trip to see Mario.

I still hadn’t seen Ray yet—& that man ended up hitting me up asking if we can link before I leave.

I was impressed and told him yes.

Ray came over.

He was more attractive in person for sure. I forgot that fact, considering how much he whined and cried about nonexistent shit. Lmao.

In person, we went back to how we were when we first met. Laughing and talking, and he was helping me pack etc.
But bitch... I still had Mario.

And I done saw that dick. I wanted him and my mind was made up.

Knowing that, I ain’t wanna get too comfy with Ray..


We did make out
He was an excellent kisser.
He tried to lick on my titties and shit but I stopped him.

I was geared up for Mario 😂

I was horny. But Only craved some sexual convo from Mario..I made an excuse to get Ray to leave

Recorded myself c umming and sent it to Mario soon as he left
Fast forward.

I finally get to the city and had plans to link with Mario day fucking 1, bitch.

Sumn slight. We were gonna match & grab some food.

Child..... Mario was just ...*chef’s kiss*. That type of guy that makes you wanna ride his dick just by looking at u.
Day 1
I had Ray on DND. he was calling me nonstop cuz I 4got to tell him I made it safely.
I ended up putting my entire phone on DND.

Spent the day with Mario. No sex, but hella tension. We had a blast.
Day 2
I called Ray that morning. Told him I was with family all day and got caught up. Apologized to him.
He accepted. We were on the phone most of the morning.

Mario texted me asking if I was free. I said yes. Told Ray I was about to visit my grandma.
Day 2 cont
This was the day Mario and I kissed for the first time. He had those kisses that you know feel better against yo clit. LMFAO.

Our physical chemistry was so great. That’s all I can say.

Ray was hitting me up on IG cuz my calls were “going to voicemail” (DND)
DAY 2 cont
I told him my grandma wasn’t feeling good so I would be busy with her and not on my phone.

& then Mario and I decided to go somewhere with a view and get drunk.

Lol. We parked near downtown and just took turns drinking out the bottle.

It was super chill.
Day 2 cont

Ima speed this up.

I rode Mario’s dick in the backseat of his car that night.

It was fucking huge.

I *thoroughly* enjoyed myself, bitch.

It got late so I went back to my aunts house....

....on motherfucking cloud 9, bitch!!!!
I took my phone off DND when I got to my aunts that night.

& guess who FaceTimed me in the middle of my post-Dick-riding bliss?


I answered. Tried not to sound/seem blissful. But Ray knew sumn was up

“Why you so glowy and happy?” He asked me.
“........just.... seeing my family made me really happy” I said.


& then I fell asleep on FaceTime with Ray.

But when I woke up later, and saw he was also sleep... I hung up and hit Mario with the “you up?” text.

He was.
Alright kids.

Buckle up.

Day 3 is when shit imploded.

You can follow @mamaztheguru.
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