I’ve been trying to gather my thoughts on this for the better part of the day so bare with me, this is going to be a lot.

To every person that will try to convince myself and thousands of other disenfranchised voters to “suck it up and vote for Biden”, a VERY long thread.
First and foremost, I don’t understand how any of y’all can stomach the fact that the candidate you’re trying to force on us is a rapist. What does it say to every victim out there when you legitimize him like that?
That said, I’m not an idiot; I do understand the basic idea of why you want us to pragmatically look past that travesty so if you’re not going to engage with the glaring criticism that we shouldn’t be being pressured to perform harm reduction by voting for a fucking rapist,
then I’ll humor you and play realpolitik like you want me to. Let me do so by advocating for another idea: the fundamental problem with the harm reduction strategy that you’re promoting is that less harm is reduced every time we lie down for the DNC and let them push through
another milquetoast corporate liberal to satiate our desire to be rid of whichever right-wing demagogue is currently in our way of democratic freedom (I very purposely said “their way”instead of “our way”).
The only way people like Joe Biden get as far as they do is because the DNC is capitalizing on the fact that the average voter is so disgusted with that person (Trump in this instance) that they’ll accept anyone of their choosing in his place.
Don’t believe me? I would stringently argue that Biden is to the right of every democratic nominee since 2000 (look at the backgrounds and voting records of Gore, Kerry, Obama, and Clinton and then tell me I’m incorrect). And don’t fool yourself into thinking that’s a coincidence
The social issues “championed” by the vast majority of sitting democrats and republicans are just frontal distractions from the fact that from an economic and foreign policy perspective, there is very little-and many times no-difference between the “two” parties.
Hell, most of the senior democrats that still serve to this day were anti-gay marriage and anti-choice until it was politically inconvenient to hold those stances so forgive me for not believing that their pride shirts and “believe women #metoo ” twitter banners are genuine.
It would be extremely easy for politics to scoot along the way that the establishment wanted it to if democrats and republicans in the house and senate could stop pretending to have partisan disagreements, pull the veil down, and just work on the only consistently bipartisan
issue that’s existed in the last hundred years of American politics: serving the interests of capital. But they can’t do that because the only way we can continue to tighten up the bipartisan conservative economic policy is by playing this see-saw that props up increasingly
increasingly morally repugnant republicans with rapacious views on social issues then replacing them with a Democrat that has equally bad economic policy, but talks the right talk socially in order to appear to be more palatable to voters. Biden doesn’t even do that.
You’d likely admit as much too if you’re being completely honest with yourselves and that’s because Biden is meant to lose this election because of course he will. None of y’all really believe that he’s going to win, do you?
Ramblin’ racist rapist Joe Biden is about as electable as kermit the frog and you’d have to be a fool not to see that at this point. Even if Trump and Pence suddenly had their private planes crash into one another and die right before this election
leaving the presidency for Biden to take, I guarantee you that he would neither have the ability to mobilize voters into taking back the senate (or even keep the house for that matter) for the Dems nor will he win a second term because he’s simply not an actionable candidate with
any sort of real edge. The DNC knows this. They don’t want Biden either, they just didn’t want Sanders because four years of Bernie is, to them, much more of a threat than another four years of Trump. No, the establishment Dems already have their sights on 2024
where, mark my words, they’ll have a polished up, progressive-on-paper, Mayor Pete/Beto type come in, take back the presidency with a surprising change of heart/seen-the-light progressive agenda that, like it did with Obama, will vanish overnight
whenever their ass finally hit that comfortable chair in the Oval Office and thus history will continue to repeat itself as we move through alternating 16 year cycles of the same tired performative politics over and over again
until we’ve fully embraced plutocracy and the country and the planet are beyond saving. Hell, many would argue that it already is and I wouldn’t blame them for feeling that way.
And sure, we’ll have another Bernie stick their head in the race every election cycle as they always do; there were Bernies in the presidential races before Bernie and there will be Bernies after
But a Bernie Sanders only ever wins when the establishment can acknowledge that they’re one more bad corporate bailout bill away from getting their heads on pikes and need to hit a soft reset to continue their agenda.
Small morsels of victories will come that will seem big, but will never be as big as the victories being made by billionaires and their payroll jockeys that claim to represent us and that’s how they’ll keep us satiated, docile, and complicit in our own exploitation and oppression
So at the end of the day, we equate Biden with Trump because at the end of the day they both serve the capitalist class and have vested interests that overlap with each other far more than they do with those of the average working class voter in this country.
So Biden stans: please, don’t waste your breath trying to convince people that the lesser of two evils will do anything other than push the next lesser of two evils further to the right.
Instead, I suggest you do more to hold your party accountable for the fact that they do not have the best interest of working class people in their sights whatsoever to whatever extent you think your voice matters to them.
But don’t even think about blaming us when y’all fall on your faces in November; you have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Also, shout out to @PrettyBadLefty for inspiring this clusterfuck. Full credit to them for getting my mind racing on the efficacy of harm reduction.
I also want to add that if you do still end up voting for Biden, I completely understand why. Nothing in this thread is to suggest that you’re “dumb” or whatever for doing so. Please don’t interpret this as an attack towards yourselves.
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