People who cannot make themselves vote for Biden (many of whom are women, minorities, sexual assault survivors, etc) even though he's somewhat less bad than Trump are not at fault

It's not their fault that Biden is so bad they can't. They're not responsible for Biden's flaws
I'm not allowed to vote but my fear is a Biden win will lead to 8-12 years of tepid neoliberal incrementalism when we have 10 crucial years to act decisively on climate change

Not to mention all the other stuff that shouldn't wait for 10 years. Healthcare, student debt, etc
You can say vulnerable groups won't survive 4 years of Trump, but Trump has gotten mercifully little done even when the GOP had a trifecta. And these same vulnerable groups also can't hang on for another 8-12 years without substantial reforms
Maybe the lesser evil, like all things in life, isn't so straightforward and simple to gauge
You can be mad at me for saying what a lot of people are thinking but maybe be mad at the people who crowned one of the worst candidates in decades as the nominee, forcing the rest of us to do this kind of calculus

If we had a nominee who was a clear upgrade we wouldn't be here
For the record turning up to vote for House and Senate races, as well as State and local elections isn't just important, it's stupid to stay home when there are a lot of new progressive candidates running for office across the nation
If you're despondent and don't know what to do and live in a deep red state I have good news: your vote doesn't really matter! Protest vote straight green party to send a message to the DNC, and tick any dem boxes where a good progressive has an actual shot at winning
And if a green party candidate somehow gets elected in your deep red state, well, their platform actually isn't half bad ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
If you live in a blue or purple state determine if you feel it's worth voting for Biden or not and for the rest probably just vote blue down ticket cause your vote actually matters
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