random-opinion-that-no-one-asked-for time, i actually quite like the dynamic that Peter and Flash have in the MCU movies. the matter of their characters is another thing, but the way they interact i find quite interesting.

or rather, the i like way Flash interacts at Peter...
because Peter doesn't give a crap about Flash at all. their "dynamic" consists of Flash trying to berate Peter and Peter just brushing it off.

which is why i like it
in Homecoming, it reads very clear to me that Flash is secretly very jealous of Peter. Peter is obviously a high grade student, and he's easily physically capable as well due to being a teenager with secret superpowers
so Flash resorts to verbal abuse to try and put Peter down. except it never works, because Peter *doesn't care*. Flash gets an entire party to chant mocking names, and Peter barely reacts at all. even the idea of using his alt-id as Spider-Man to get clout is Ned's idea, not his.
after the Washington Momument scene, Flash calls after Spidey asking if he really knows Peter Parker. considering what we've already seen of Flash, it makes sense that he'd ask this. he wants to confirm the rumour cause he's worried about Peter having any amount of clout
ultimately it's not a deep characterization, and i think it's due to Tony Revolori's acting more than anything else. but i still prefer it over having a generic bully, and in truth it makes him far from a bully at all. which i think is cool
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