Imagine you need to give your sister one of your kidneys.
You may need to fly to her transplant ctr out of state. Travel and other costs may be up to $3000 or more for you and your caregiver. You could pay out of pocket.

What if you didn’t have the $ ?
Your sister could cover you.
Maybe a state program. Maybe her insurance. What if she didn’t have the $?
@NLDAC_ASTS helps - but only if your sister is makes < 300% of the poverty line. (37K/yr if she lives alone). That’s not a lot of $.

This affects nearly 10% of US organ donors, and that’s just those that even came forward and went through the process. $$ is a barrier.
@HRSAgov proposed a new fed rule on this for #livingdonors.
Good stuff: It covers non-directed donors (!!!)
- have a higher threshold for income eligibility (500% FPL should be the min),
Current proposal 350%FPL doesn’t cover enough people.
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