There is an estimated 22M Illegals living in the USA today. All apart of the plan to slip in the UN to save America from a fabricated chaos. The Satanic Nazi world order knows one threat. Sovereign Nations with their own armies. America pushed to the edge now fights back. #DoItQ
Their plan. LA was the target then allow the chaos to spread out from there. Once the riots became so unbearable the UN would step in with the solution. Our nation and lands would be surrender in the process and fall under the UN banner. Now you know why Trump has tanks in Cali.
How do you stop planned false flag riots in the streets of America to save her?

Order stay where you are due to a virus pandemic and empty the street.

Remember, its chess and checkered.
“Know your enemy” “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu “So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.

The Enemy - Satanic Nazi World Order

Once again America fights for her freedom.

Notice "Stage set for freedom."
Anyone remember John Allen Muhammad the DC sniper that terrorize Washington back in 2002?

One man with a sniper riffle caused major disruptions for weeks in Washington.

What is the enemy plan was to use MS-13 gangs on a mass scale to do the same?

Remember Trumps war on MS-13?
Stay home and keep your children safe.

@realDonaldTrump has activated the National Guards and Marines to deal with the enemy.

He has Gen Milley Guarding our southern flank with the Navy and Air Force.

He just took over NORAD, installing new personal.

Patriots in control.
The 16yr plan to destroy America.
Obama 8 years, His job. Out good guys/install traitors. Running up more debt than all previous Presidents combined. Gutting our Military. Depleting ammo stockpiles. Selling off top secret SAP tech. Open gates to MS-13. Pallets of cash.

She lost.
Starting to make sense yet?

"What Storm Mr. President?" "You'll find out"

We are at war with the hidden ones. The Illuminati, The Nazi World order, A Secret Satanic Society, hell bent on ruling the globe and enslaving all mankind.

Thus the lock down.
Its not only in America, This Satanic force has infiltrated all nations.

Putin - "The NWO worships Satan."

If you think China d& Russia ain't helping, You don't know Q.

This is a battle to save the world. Nothing short of WW3

The WW Pandemic the perfect cover.
1 major stronghold of the Enemy was NK. They had a little earth quake that sunk their nuke mountain. If you think Kim Jun-Un was in charge you haven't payed attention.

Next Stronghold is Iran. Their leaders don't control it either. This is why we have 2 Battle groups there now.
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