Dems chose this.
Dems spent years spitting on us, telling us we’re not needed, telling us to get in line with their party.

Then the instant their morals are challenged, they drop them at the first sight of trouble and say if we don’t help them we’re the villains.

They abandon their principles when it becomes the slightest bit inconvenient. Their rapist candidate is better because he’s raped less women. They’re fine with him taking part in war crimes because he’s a Dem and that means he’s a good guy.

They now expect us to drop our morals, drop our values, and drop our principles to help them because they’re in trouble. Not because they’re sorry, not because they think we matter, but because they gambled, lost, and expect us to help foot the bill.

Well I’m not fucking reneging on my principles because we have to replace the man with the red tie for the exact same man who happens to wear a blue tie.

We were told to get the fuck away from the table and to stop asking, begging for social policies that might actually help.-
We were told that we were being ridiculous, that social policies just can’t work the way we want them to, that we should shut up and vote blue because we’ll never get what we want, that we should stop dreaming about the slightest compromise because the Reps would never -
-go for it and that giving up and conceding was the better option.

And now they want to invite us back to the table, assuring us that their candidate which is virtually indistinguishable from the one they hate is so much better while pointing a gun at us under the table -
-and threatening to pull the trigger if we don’t get in line.

All I can say to that is I’ll take the fucking bullet you spineless, feckless, shit-eating, morally repugnant, disgusting, manipulative, gaslighting, worthless cowards.

We tried warning you for years. -
YEARS. We told you the field you were about to step in is full of mines. Then you ignored us and decided to cross that field. Now you hear a click under your boot and expect us to defuse the mine underneath it.

Well fuck you, I have better things to do than saving you -
- when you wouldn’t even dare get your hands dirty to help us.

I’m more than happy to watch you get blown sky high. By your own actions, you will hand the candidate you hate 4 more years on a silver platter while obliquely blaming anyone but yourselves.

You can rail against us all you want, tell us that not voting for your war criminal is putting the other war criminal in power. You can try and take political hostages all you want but it ain’t gonna fucking work, friendo. If you’re too blind or, more likely, willfully -
-ignorant of what you’re doing, then go ahead and step out on that mine field because it is absolutely what you deserve, and you deserve every last bad thing that will happen to your party during either administration.

Full fucking stop.
This isn’t about being able to say “We told you so.”

This isn’t us letting a fascist have 4 more years of power.

This is refusing to vote for a party that is slipping further and further to the right while that lodestone carries them further into the precarious depths of -
“Pleasing the Reps.” There is no discernible difference between most Dems and most Reps.

Biden is Trump 2.0. He has done arguably done and said worse things than Trump in his political career.

This is refusing to play the “lesser” of two evils game.

I am NOT turning my back on my principles because some establishment Dems that have water for blood tell me that it’s my fault if Trump stays in office.

You can’t work for 4 years basically doing everything you can to suppress us and keep Trump in power by your -
actions and then expect us to believe you when you say the candidate you pushed through is better.

“Oh he’s better. Just trust us. That’s always worked before, right? It worked in 2016, didn’t it? Just trust us and we’ll make it all better.”

I’ll eat my own shit before I vote for Biden or Trump.

I’m pinning this thread, and if I ever even suggest that I may even leave the house on Election Day, I want every one of you to block, unfollow, and never talk to me again because that’s exactly what I would deserve.
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